Johannes Katsarov. He acts as the Program Manager of the European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance & Counselling, and is a member of the Scientific Committee.
Living in Berlin, he is a self-employed researcher, trainer and network coordinator. In particular, he has been coordinating the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE) since 2009, together with Christiane Schiersmann and Peter Weber from the Heidelberg University. He is one of the editors of the NICE Handbook for the Academic Training of Career Guidance and Counselling Professionals which has been published in English, French, German and Spanish, and co-editor of the NICE Newsletter. Within the program of NICE 2 he is currently coordinating a European task force for the development of European competence standards for career guidance and counselling professionals (together with Kestutis Pukelis).
Next to his activities at the European level, Johannes Katsarov has been supporting the national guidance forum of Germany in the development of quality standards for career guidance and counselling since 2013. This activity builds on his prior engagement at the Heidelberg University, to foster quality development and professionalization in career guidance and counselling in Germany (Offener Koordinierungsprozess Qualitätsentwicklung in der Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung).
Field of research: Action research, change management, coordination, cooperation, governance, organization development, participation, professionalization, public engagement, quality development, Synergetics.
Training experience: Scientific writing, generic competences (team work, intercultural training, self-management, communication and presentation skills etc.), work-based learning, and project management.