NICE Conference in Bratislava
The role of ECADOC at the Conference
May 28-30, 2015 Bratislava
ICAP International Association of Applied Psychology
Paris, July 8-13, 2014
The following Symposium will be organized: European Doctoral Program in Career Guidance and Counselling: The development of a training program for PhD students
Abstract: The presentation will highlight the strong connection between the doctoral program and the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE). The NICE network already looks back to 3 years of fruitful collaboration, intensive discussions and processes and the development of common points of reference for the academic training in the area of career guidance and counselling. To the common points of reference belong the definition of core roles and core competences of counsellors as well as a therefrom derived curriculum for academic study programs. In the second phase of this project among other things there will be more effort to distinguish the different levels of study programs including the PhD level. Connections to the doctoral programme will be outlined.
Study programs – especially on the doctoral level - have to be based on the state of the art of research in the concerning field. In this area this means to look at different scientific disciplines and to integrate different perspectives on counselling. A systematic approach to to cluster research, which is relevant for a possible structure of doctoral programs will be presented.

Society For Vocational Psychology. 11th Biennal Conference Career Counseling and Development: Rebuilding Hope through School, Work, and Relationships
Coimbra, July 14-16, 2014

2014 IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress
Vienna, July 14-17, 2014
For career counselors interested to career counseling of people with disability