Sara Santilli
University of Padova, Italy |
Sara Santilli. She is a Phd student at Doctoral School of Psychological Sciences at Padua University, psychologist, post graduate degree in Career Counseling at the University of Padova, collaborates with La.R.I.O.S. (Laboratory of Research and Intervention in Vocational Guidance), University of Padova, Italy, in the organization of vocational guidance projects and research concerning disability, career guidance and job placement. Research interest concern the fields of career counseling and disability. The Phd s research project “Life Design, Adaptability and Life satisfaction” , develops inside the approach Life Design, burned at the beginning of the economic crisis that now is enveloping the Western world, from international group of scholars. Life Design approach, aimed at providing answers to the crisis. Life Design states that career problems are only “a slice of the pie” of individual life, and that people need to understand how to handle post-modern life. It should specify skills and knowledge for the analysis of non-linear causalities, ecological settings, multiple subjective contexts, and complex dynamics. Moreover, it emphasizes the need to support people to become experts in co-construction and life design processes, to anticipate and deal with career transitions, and to consider the hope for a foreseeable future, useful to individual’s future planning and behaviour, and career adaptability, that is a modern world workers’ essential resource to manage frequent career and life transitions. The uncertainties in the current socio-economic context and the future challenges (such as requests for low-paying job, injustice, low wages and exploitation, marginalization of vulnerable people, etc...), require activities research aimed to investigate the relationships between the variables on which the LD approach is focusing attention, such as the career adaptability, and new constructs such as hope, optimism, time perspective, resilience, courage, solidarity and cooperation, relevant to coping with the current work contextAuditor of the Italian Society for Vocational Guidance (SIO), she is member of the Italian Society of behavior analysis and modification and cognitive behavioral therapy – AIAMC and member of Italian Association of Psychology – AIP. |