Rosie McCready
Skills Development Scotland


Rosie McCready works for Skills Development Scotland (SDS) as a Labour Market Researcher and coordinates the SDS PhD Sponsorship Programme, which is a partnership initiative with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences. SDS is the national skills body for Scotland and is a key provider of careers services in Scotland. She is part of the Evaluation, Research and LMI Team within SDS, which provides a range of specialist support to help careers advisors and other employees at SDS in providing high-quality services for our customers. SDS is currently supporting a number of PhDs on skills-related topics, including: The Transition from Education to Work; Job Quality; Employer Voice in the Skills System, Gender and Occupational Segregation in Apprenticeships; Social Networking and Career Management Skills; Career Pathways – does the route affect the outcome; and Models of Collaborative Working in Employability. SDS is also very interested in the wider aims of the ECADOC programme, to establish international research networks in career guidance and counselling across Europe, and welcomes the opportunity to be part of this exciting new endeavor.