Laurent Sovet
National Conservatory of Arts & Crafts, France |
Laurent Sovet is a PhD candidate in career counseling psychology at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Conservatoire National des Arts et métiers) in Paris, France. His dissertation is conducted under the supervision of the Professor Jean-Luc Bernaud, and deals with a cross-cultural comparison about the relationships between career indecision and subjective well-being among college students from France, South Korea, Togo, and USA. His research interests reflect the interplay between career development, happiness, psychometrics, and cross-cultural differences. Recently, he joined a research group lead by his thesis director and focused on meaning of life and meaning of work in career counseling interventions. He can be considered as a hackademic always looking for opportunities to learn new things, new languages, new cultures, and start new projects. He received academic degrees in statistics and linguistics and is currently seeking for a Bachelor’s degree in educational sciences. He is also a junior lecturer at La Sorbonne University – Paris 3, teaching social psychology and psycholinguistic. After his thesis defense, he would like to become a faculty member by developing – nationally and internationally – interdisciplinary, collaborative, and translational research projects in the field of educational and career guidance, and by promoting flourishing as a key value in human development. |