Gottfried Catania
University of Malta, Malta
Gottfried Catania is a part-time PhD student at the Business School of Loughborough University, UK. His first degree was a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Malta, followed by a Masters in Occupational Pscyhology from the University of Leicester. He works as an Assistant Lecturer in Organizational Psychology at the University of Malta. His research interests include the fields of workplace motivation, ethics at the workplace, soft skills development and their importance in the workplace, and lifespan career development. His current (PhD) research focuses on how misuse and misunderstanding of motivational techniques can lead to unethical workplace behaviour, in the particular context of the financial services industry. He is married and has a 13 year old daughter and 11 year old fraternal triplets, so an added interest of his is developmental psychology and how individual differences become manifested and enhanced through lifetime experiences and growth. |