Scientific Promoters
Life Design International Research Group
It brings together scholars from several countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United States) with the aim to study in depth and spread internationally the view of the Life Design (LD), which, dealing with fundamental issues of people's lives, intends to help and support individuals in the demanding task of coping across the lifespan with the difficulties they may face in searching for and constructing their own personal and social realization. The LD position is described in an article, already translated in several languages, which was published on the Journal of Vocational Behavior (75, 2009). |
The Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) of the American Psychological Association was formed 65 years ago and remains the largest professional organizations of both science and practice related counseling psychologists in the U.S. Their divisional journal is The Cousenling Psychologist. The current president is Tania Israel.
The International Section of the Counseling Psychology, Division 17 of the American Psychological Association, is dedicated to encouraging, promoting, and facilitating a scientist-professional model of counseling psychology in international contexts in the U.S.A. and around the globe. The members are active in welcoming international colleagues to the APA annual convention and providing opportunities for cross national collaboration. |
The Society for Vocational Psychology is a Section in the Counseling Psychology Division (17) of the American Psychological Association. Its purpose is to encourage, promote, and facilitate contributions to research, teaching, practice, and public interest in vocational psychology and career interventions. The current president is Ellen McWhirter. |
The Counseling Psychology Division (16) in the International Association of Applied Psychology promotes the science and practice of counseling by facilitating interaction and communication about applied psychology around the world. The Division takes part in the organization of the IAAP international meetings in which a space is systematically devoted also to career counseling issues. The current president of Division 16 is Mark Savickas. |
The Adaptability Research Collaborative is a group of psychologists from 17 countries who jointly investigate the process of making career transitions. It is a large research group that has recently got together to expand on the knowledge of the construct of adaptability and professional transition processes. Its members come from 17 countries and are currently engaged in cross-cultural confrontations on instruments that can be used for assessment. |
The National Career Development Association (NCDA) inspires and empowers the achievement of career and life goals by providing professional development, resources, standards, scientific research, and advocacy. NCDA is a founding division of the American Counseling Association (ACA). NCDA provides a voice for thousands of members who deliver career services to diverse groups in many settings.
Forty higher education institutions from almost all European countries have established a European network of universities that offer study programs in vocational and career guidance/counselling, supporting the European effort to foster lifelong learning and lifelong guidance, as well as developing quality and professionalism in guidance and counseling. |
The Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research (EMCER) at the University of Malta carries out comparative studies on a wide range of aspects of education that are of particular concern to the Mediterranean region. It offers a Masters degree in Comparative Education, manages a network of education scholars, and is responsible for the Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, an international biannual peer reviewed journal, now in its fifteenth year. Recent projects looked at career guidance in the Arab states and Turkey, and provided support to Egypt and Palestine in the development of a career guidance policy. |
Network - University training in vocational guidance
It sees the involvement of numerous Italian Universities and intends to promote training in vocational guidance public and university-based through attendance of post-graduate Master courses and Specialization courses, in consideration of what is emerging within the University Network for Innovation in Guidance (Erasmus Academic Network - NICE). At this regards a 'Joint paper for the enhancement and recognition of professionalism and training of vocational guidance practitioners' has been drafted.
The University Center for Services and Research on Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion was created by different departments and services of the University of Padova with the purpose of facilitating, promoting and coordinating supports for the full participation of disabled students to university life and, afterwards, for their work inclusion. In order to do this, research studies are also promoted with national and international researchers, institutions and associations interested in the reduction, prevention and rehabilitation of impairment, disability and handicap. Several initiatives are undertaken in order to disseminate results of research studies including post graduate courses, conferences and workshops. |
The Disability Support Service is an office of the University of Padova coordinated by a Delegate of the Rector. It works as an interface between the University and people with disabilities and it is responsible for the implementation of policies and support services for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the institutional and cultural activities of the University. The technical and administrative staff, managed by an Office Chief, provides the necessary support to teaching, study, attendance of lectures and supplies the assistive technologies needed for the different types of disabilities. |