Lea Ferrari
Ph.D. assistant professor
University of Padova, Faculty of Psychology
Department of Developmental and Socialization Psychology
La.R.I.O.S. Laboratory

Teresa Maria Sgaramella
Ph.D. assistant professor
University of Padova, Faculty of Psychology
Department of Developmental and Socialization Psychology
La.R.I.O.S. Laboratory |

Marilena Ascione
Career Counselor
SIO - Italian Society for Vocational Guidance |

Giovanna Conzato
Career Counselor
SIO - Italian Society for Vocational Guidance |

Elisa Di Luca
Director of the Services on Disability
University of Padua

Dina Guglielmi
Ph.D. assistant professor of work psychology and organization
Department of the Education Sciences
"Giovanni Maria Bertin" at Università di Bologna |

Marco Giovanni Mariani
Ph.D. assistant professor of work psychology
Department of the Education Sciences
"Giovanni Maria Bertin" at Università di Bologna |