She is professor of Career construction and career
counseling and Psychological Counseling for the Inclusion of Social
Disadvantage at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and
Applied Psychology, University of Padova. She is the Director of the
Larios Laboratory and of the University Centre for Research and
Services on Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion, at University of
Padova, and of the post-graduate Master Course in ‘Life Design and
Career Counseling’.
She is Vice President of SIO; she is member of the Executive Board of
Division 16 (Counseling Psychology Division) in the International
Association of Applied Psychology; member of the Executive Board of the
European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling and of
the European Society in Family Relation. She is co-editor of The
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, member
of the editorial board of The Italian Journal of Vocational Psychology,
The Journal of Career Development, and member of the consulting
committee of The Journal of Happiness Studies. She is member of the
Life Design International Research Group, of the Career Adaptability
International Collaborative Group. She is member of the Sterring
Commettee in the European project University Network for Innovation in
Guidance - Lifelong Learning Programme (2009-2012/2013-2015). She is
member of the Special Task Group 'Globalization' of Division 17 -
American Psychological Association (from 2011- present). As regards
vocational psychology and career counseling, research efforts are
directed toward the study of variables and processes in life design
models, setting up of instruments, planning of interventions programs
and their verification. She is the author of many international and
national articles and more than ten books and editor, with Jerome
Rossier, of the Handbook of the Life Design paradigm: From practice to
theory, from theory to practice (Hogrefe).
Research areas
Research activities concern the fields of school-career counseling and psychology of disability.
As regards school-career counseling, research efforts are directed toward the analysis of relationships between perceived support, efficacy beliefs and levels of school-career indecision, the setting up and efficacy verification of interventions aiming at favoring decisional competencies in middle- and high-school students, and the analysis of concept of work and time perspective in persons with and without disability.
As regards psychology of disability, research efforts are directed toward analyzing the social abilities and integration processes of individuals with disability; setting up a battery of instruments to detect levels of activities, abilities and psychopathological difficulties in individuals with intellectual disability; devising procedures and instruments for the career counseling and work inclusion of individuals with disability. |